Saturday 5 October 2013


Ask yourself a simple question:

Do you consider yourself as ‘free’?

What does being free mean to you?
These questions really could have different meanings depending upon how you look at it. Most of us are not locked behind bars, we can go where we want, say what we want (to an extent) and believe what we want. So you would consider yourself free right?

What if I said we are a slave to society; we constantly look at society to justify our actions. We all go to school, get an ‘education’ come out, some go onto further study and some go straight into work. Others do have an idea and follow their dreams but this is the minority; the rest of us are a slave to the game. We must play along, because do we really have an option not too?

Maybe the definition of a slave will bring more light to the subject:
Slave: A person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them. (Oxford Dictionaries)
Unfortunately there are people who are still slaves on this Earth and its sad how we can say we are moving forward when this is still prominent.

Yet; there is a new type of slave emerging, one owned by society, one who is said to be free; have freedom of speech, but yet some of us as individuals are still feeling frustrated at the end of the day because of disliking our jobs, or what ever it is we have to do to earn a living. So why can’t we just change jobs/careers or find alternative ways to survive? It’s difficult because society makes it difficult, because society owns us and it’s so hard to break free from these chains.

Think! have your say.

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